Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No News is Good News...

...or so they say. Not sure who "they" are, but I'll take their word for it. Sometimes in life, you come upon situations that seem to be either feast or famine. Communication seems to be one of these situations. There was a time in my life when my e-mail in-box was overflowing with friendly e-mails from friends and family. And I remember a time when my phone would ring off the hook nearly every hour. In fact, there were times when I had the phone to my ear, and I was opening e-mails at the same time! Not nice I know, but I really can talk and type at the same time, after all, I AM a gemini girl! Take this blog for instance... I started off writing fairly often, then all of a sudden - BAM! I couldn't think of a darn thing to write! So I haven't written anything for a while, just because I couldn't think of a topic worthy enough to write about...a dry spell of sorts. And that is what I mean by FEAST or FAMINE...either there's a lot of communication at times or there's none! Then tonight, I thought I better get back to writing, even if it is about a bit of nonsense. I don't want to be a part of the "nothing-ness" - I would rather let my friends and family know I care about them, even if it is just writing on my blog, or sending email messages that aren't responded to, or even leaving them phone messages that never get returned. Maybe my friends and family will think I live on WARD 7, but at least I will try my best to keep the lines of communication open. I wouldn't want anyone to feel abandoned, because I certainly know how awful that feeling can be. Now-a-days it seems like I stare at the computer hoping that a long awaited e-mail will pop up, or I jump when the phone rings, hoping that it will be a long lost friend needing a shoulder to lean on, I even long for the blinking light of my answering machine, hoping it will beckon me to listen to a familiar voice on the other end. NOTHING. Hmmm...... did I chase everyone away??? ....or has life just gotten too hectic for my friends and family... or maybe everyone has just forgotten me (could that really happen?)...or maybe I'm just paranoid and all my friends and family are just a tad busy and they really are doing great...and like "they" say...No News is Good News!

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