or in New Mexico speak....the "Big I", the big, beautiful belts of overpasses and flyovers intersecting Albuquerque, that I seem to think resemble "ribbons in the sky". I love the way they are the color of sand and sky, only deeper and more pronounced; more like clay and turquoise - the true colors of New Mexico. Of course, that's just my "rose colored
" opinion, I'm sure most people who travel the freeway every day don't even really notice such things as that. I say rose colored because that's basically how I see the world; always seeing the glass half full; it's just my way of seeing what I want to see - and of course in full-blown color! Every time I get on the road, I can't help but marvel at the beauty of whatever there is to see ahead of me out there on the vast NM highways. Each time I go from home (up in "el Norte") to Burque (Albuquerque, for those unfamiliar wit
h the nickname), I love the scenery and all it's colorful splendor. The colors to me are absolutely exquisite...from the clear azure blue skies and the pinkish-brown sculpted rock formations, to the modern concrete jungle of Albuquerque. I came upon the ribbons in the sky this week after spending a day working in Albuquerque. On my way home, I had to cross the Big I; going from I-40 to I-25 in order to get home. While at the interchange, I happened to look up and the flyovers looked like big, colorful ribbons in the sky. It right away put a smile on my face and the long day I had spent laboring over proposals was a thing of the past. Yes, when driving in NM I always gaze at the scenery and wonder how I could be so lucky to live amongst such beauty. The banners of color here in NM never cease to amaze me........even when I'm on the freeway!
the pilgrimage to the Santurio de Chimayo....yep, thousands of people walking towards one common place, the Santuario de Chimayo; a tiny church nestled in the Sangre de Cristo mountains of Chimayo, New Mexico. Some refer to it as the Lourdes of America. The multitudes of people who make the pilgrimage each year come from miles around. Some from Santa Fe, some from Española, some from Peñasco, and
many from Albuquerque and even further. A large number of pilgrims carry crosses or other religious articles. Each year you see young and old alike; backpacks, waterbottles, rosaries and walking sticks on board. What makes them "do the walk" you say? FAITH... plain and simple as that. Their faith draws them to the well. Many can't understand the faith that these pilgrims have; it's almost like you have to live here to understand the pilgrimage to it's fullest. It's a cultural tradition that has gone on for centuries. Being at the Santuario during Holy Week is a very special privilege (if you can squeeze in there). The atmosphere is charged with Holiness and if you happen to see or speak to Father Roca, it's considered an extra special bonus. Who is Fat
her Roca you ask? Well he is considered by many to be the Santuario de Chimayo's "walking saint". He's a 90 year old priest who has dedicated his life so unselfishly to the people of Northern New Mexico for over 50 years of his ordained life. He is short in stature but larger than life to those who know and love him. He miraculously built two church parishes with no money and also restored the Santuario back to it's original grandeur; letting his faith guide him each day. He is a great example of what can be done with only faith. And what do the pilgrims find when they get to the Santuario you ask? They find PEACE....a peace like no other you have experienced. Oh, and they find dirt...yes, I said dirt; well, it's considered "Holy Dirt" by so many, and it's found in a little hole inside the tiny church. Many people believe the dirt at the Santuario is "miracle dirt"; something that can restore health, heal broken bones, hearts, and homes......but the TRUTH is really not in the dirt.....it's in the faith that people have. The Santuario holds a spiritual charisma that brings not only locals, but thousands of visitors yearly from all over the world searching for peace, tranquility and spiritual healing. So this year, with so many people expected to make the annual walk as a religious sacrifice, there is sure to be plenty of FAITH to go around! After the walk, everyone will go back home with a joyful heart and a feeling of having participated in something very special and very New Mexican! Have a Blessed and Happy Easter!
If what Proust says is true, that happiness is the absence of fever, then I will never know happiness, for I am possessed by a fever for knowledge, experience, and creation. -Anais NinAhh....an insight into the mind of an often misunderstood writer. Anaïs Nin (pronounced A-nah-eese Neen) feverishly wrote many diaries and novels, most of which depicted the interesting life this lady led, which incidentally highlighted many of her sexual escapades. The content of her novels and diaries has made her a very popular writer and often an argumentative topic of conversation. Some people don't agree with the things she wrote of, while others applaud her brazenness. I applaud her courage to w
rite such novels, especially in a time when women were still trying to make their way in the world. I understand that some of her diaries were not published until the poor lady had passed away. I'm sure she never thought that someone would actually publish her private diaries which contained such personal thoughts. Much can be learned from this malady... if you have a "fever" for knowledge, experience and creation, be careful what you put down on paper, because the world is always waiting for more juicy stories!
...the day for fool's. Hmmm.... I happen to like April Fool's Day, does that mean I'm a fool? In fact, I woke up feeling really chipper and thoughts of trickery crossed my mind all morning long. I did happen to "trick" a few people before the noon hour came along. I laughed more than I had done in a long time. For some strange reason, this day felt really "comfortable".....hmmm....again, is this a sign that maybe this really was a day made just for me? Oh well, it only comes around once a year, so if the day is really made for me, then so be it. I shall celebrate with the "gullible's" all the more! I will always and forever play the part of the "fool", it suits me well! Happy April Fool's Day!
...or so they say. Not sure who "they" are, but I'll take their word for it. Sometimes in life, you come upon situations that seem to be either feast or famine. Communication seems to be one of these situations. There was a time in my life when my e-mail in-box was overflowing with friendly e-mails from friends and family. And I remember a time when my phone would ring off the hook nearly every hour. In fact, there were times when I had the phone to my ear, and I was opening e-mails at the same time! Not nice I know, but I really can talk and type at the same time, after all, I AM a gemini girl! Take this blog for instance... I started off writing fairly often, then all of a sudden - BAM! I couldn't think of a darn thing to write! So I haven't written anything for a while, just because I couldn't think of a topic worthy enough to write about...a dry spell of sorts. And that is what I mean by FEAST or FAMINE...either there's a lot of communication at times or there's none! Then tonight, I thought I better get back to writing, even if it is about a bit of nonsense. I don't want to be a part of the "nothing-ness" - I would rather let my friends and family know I care about them, even if it is just writing on my blog, or sending email messages that aren't responded to, or even leaving them phone messages that never get returned. Maybe my friends and family will think I live on WARD 7, but at least I will try my best to keep the lines of communication open. I wouldn't want anyone to feel abandoned, because I certainly know how awful that feeling can be. Now-a-days it seems like I stare at the computer hoping that a long awaited e-mail will pop up, or I jump when the phone rings, hoping that it will be a long lost friend needing a shoulder to lean on, I even long for the blinking light of my answering machine, hoping it will beckon me to listen to a familiar voice on the other end. NOTHING. Hmmm...... did I chase everyone away??? ....or has life just gotten too hectic for my friends and family... or maybe everyone has just forgotten me (could that really happen?)...or maybe I'm just paranoid and all my friends and family are just a tad busy and they really are doing great...and like "they" say...No News is Good News!
My BFF just left my house. It had been so long since she had come to visit. It was great sharing some conversation and a cup of tea with her. Too bad the discussion was littered with our work woes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s good that women have “girlfriends” to lean on when things go a little awry in our lives, without that heartfelt companionship, where would we be? Anyway…after she left, I went back to my desk and sat down to write for a bit. Suddenly, I got up, went to the pantry, looked around and - Yeah, you got it...I forgot what I was going to do! Forgetting what I got up expressly to do—that's something my mother used to do, and then I’ld roll my eyes and think, "Dang, what's wrong with her?" Except now it's me, and I don't know when that happened and I swear I just need a vacation. . . I know I shouldn’t stress, this is part of a natural evolution. The good news—I’m not losing my mind, I know I’m not (that does sound convincing, right). I’m afraid that forgetfulness, along with the sudden appearance of wrinkles and the disappearance of my waistline, indicates that I am in the process of morphing into my mother. I never thought this would happen to me! When I was thirty my mother told to me to be patient “your day is coming” is what I remember her saying. When I was not quite forty, I remember saying defiantly "that will never happen to me!" Now, barely past forty (well, that’s what my birth certificate states), I am finding myself saying, “well it happens occasionally, but that doesn’t mean anything”. I’m dreading the hour when I will wake up in the middle of the night, gasping for breath because I’ve suddenly realized.... Aaaargh! I've Become My Mother!!! I will try to stay calm and not tear my hair out---it's thinning anyway (of course, now there's Rogaine). I’m sure it won’t be the end of the world (it happened to my own mother and her mother and her mother and...), just the beginning of a new era! Oh dear, maybe I should have another cup of tea and call my mother...Hey!!! That’s what I got up for in the first place! I LOVE YOU MOM!
GREEN.....everyone seems to celebrate the color green on March 17th, you will find green food, green drinks, green shamrocks, green leprechauns, green clothing, green jewelry, and even green hair...and of course the obligatory pinch that goes along with the holiday for those who aren't wearing even a smidgen of green! Now all this is fun, but many people don't realize that the holiday is really in honor of St. Patrick, a Christian missionary who brought Christianity to Ireland's pagan inhabitants. As a Santera of sorts, I can't help but try to explain to those I meet, the patron saints and the roles they have played as intercessors between God and mankind. Patron saints are chosen as special protectors or guardians over areas of life. These areas can include occupations, illnesses, churches, countries, or causes. A patron saint can help us when we follow the example of that saint's life and when we ask for that saint's intercessory prayers to God. Back to St. Patrick...he lived an exemplary life as a missionary, spreading the gospel throughout Ireland, converting pagans to Christianity. After his death, legend has it that St. Patrick was known for his explanation of the Holy Trinity by reference to the Shamrock (the Father, Son and Holy Ghost being One), and another legend has it that he expelled all the snakes from Ireland. As a result of these legends, St. Patrick's emblems are the shamrock and snakes and his Feast Day is officially March 17th, the day St. Patrick died. St. Patrick is the Patron Saint of Ireland and is invoked for those who are frightened by snakes. With all this said, I would just like to say, "Happy St. Patrick's Day"...now let's go eat some GREEN jello!
March 15th.....the day marked as the Ides of March. It is supposed to be a day of foreboding....however, all I really felt "forewarned" about today was the laundry! I was reminded that if it didn't get done, there wouldn't be any clean clothes to wear to work tomorrow. So another fun day of laundry and getting ready for another week of work. Normally, laundry gets done during the week and on Saturdays, but this week was different....there was more construction going on in our house, so I wasn't able to get to the laundry this week at all. But the mess was worth the wait, because now we have a new bathroom floor to wake up to each morning. Little by little, the whole house has been renovated, added on to, and redecorated in more ways than one. Owning a home is a constant labor of love, and there are many unexpected surprises that we have encountered along the way. I'm just glad the suprises were nothing compared to the surprise Julius Caesar encountered on that fateful Ides of March 2,050 years ago!
My "Spark" Book. Yup, that's what the cover reads...plain and simple. Several years ago, being the scrapbooker that I am, I decided I would make a "Spark" book for myself and another for my daughter. Let me explain, a "Spark" book is a little dream notebook of sorts that is all decorated with scrapbooking items. It's really a planning tool so I will have a designated place to write down and organize all those "sparks" of inspiration that come my way every now and then. Hopefully this will help me keep track and visualize all my dreams. You see, I'm a very visual person, so if I can look at my "Spark" book periodically and remind myself of my goals, then it serves as a visual reminder for me to get to work on my goals. I collect magazine cutouts, photos, or just write down key words to help me remember what it is I want to achieve in my life. Since starting my "Spark" book, I am happy to say that some of my goals and dreams have come true! So what's inside this little gem of a book, you ask. Well the chapters I have made include: Spiritual Aspirations, Personal and Wellness Goals, Financial Goals, Love, Family and Friends, Home Goals, Career and last, but not least, an R & R section. I think everyone should have a "Spark" book...because dreams are what life is made of. Dreams stimulate our hearts and minds and make us stretch both mentally and physically. So let's get out there and stretch!
Red or Green? That's the official New Mexico "question". And that question is referring to chile, not "chili" like the Texans have, but good old fashioned, red or green hot chile that New Mexicans just can't seem to live without. Yup, here in New Mexico it's chile with an "e"... which probably stands for Extra hot! You can't go anywhere in New Mexico and order an entrè without the waitress asking, "red or green". Simple as that. The part that's not so simple is deciding whether to select red or green when ordering the savory dish. Actually, did you know there is no real difference in a red chile and a green one? The only difference is whether it's picked when it's ripe or not. Of course, it makes a big difference when prepared. Some folks are true believers in the "green" version and others are nothing but "red" followers. Then there are the indecisive bunch; the ones that can't seem to decide, so they order their food "Christmas Style" (I'll have...a little of both please). What else can you expect when you live in Jalapeño Heaven!
Some people have it and some people don't. Ambition is a wonderful thing for a person to have in their life, because if you have it when you're young, chances are you'll have it as you grow old as well. It's a valuable possession; precious as gold. With ambition on your side, you can't go wrong. It can be as simple as having the ambition to get out of bed in the morning, which in turn can lead to actually getting dressed and venturing outdoors for the day. Or it can be as great as having the ambition to decide to go to school, pursue a college education and go on to greater things in life. Ambition is the key to a successful life........or so they say. For every ambitious person out there, there's also someone out there who is just willing to accept whatever life brings (I sometimes wonder if those people have ambition). For some, working overtime is never a problem, while others stand around the time clock waiting to cheat time. People percieve ambition differently, and rightly so; not everyone is created equal. I struggle to understand why some people seem to have more ambition than others; then again, maybe I'm blind and don't really see the ambition that some people truly have. I've come to the conclusion that ambition, whichever kind a person possesses, can be an expensive yearning, one that requires an enormous emotional investment. Like any investment though, it can pay off in countless different kinds of coin. The trick is recognizing the riches when they come your way!
Another one bites the dust....another week that is. Today was what I would consider another Freaky Friday at the office. It started off like any other Friday would, but soon the tension in the air was very noticeable and there it seemed to hang like dirty socks in a locker room; getting stinkier by the minute. Or maybe the stink really was just the dirty dishes in the sink, hmmm, another bone of contention at the office. I did say "freaky" right?
Well, another day goes by at the office and the craziness continues. So many of us remember "the good old days" when bosses used to be bosses and secretaries used to be secretaries. Yup, back in the "good old days" the boss would actually KNOW what a report was and how to complete it and the secretary would worry if there was enough ribbon in the typewriter to type the report up and restock the envelopes in the supply closet after noticing they were getting low. Boy, those were the good old days, when you got paid a fair wage for the work you actually did. So much has changed in the office; some good and some bad... but then again, I suppose life goes on.... Or as they say, SHIT happens!